ACRI Library
Mental Health
Policy Brief: Mental Health in Catarman, Northern Samar
Catarman, a first class municipality and the capital of Northern Samar, was one of the research sites of the mhPAD study. From the data collected, together with consultations with the Municipal Health Officer, policy recommendations addressing gaps in the municipality’s mental health system are given, including: integration of mental health in the primary health care services; empowerment and activation of support-structure from barangay-level officials and workers; and reduction of stigma and discrimination in the communities.
By ACRI mhPAD Team
Mental Health
Mental Health First Aid in the School
A research initiative by Empath PH that aims to craft proper mental health first aid programs contextualized to Filipino students, teachers, and parents.
By Mikhaela Francesca Marietta "Mikka" A. Malonzo
Mental Health
Mapping of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in the Philippines in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic
The study explores the various mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services provided by individuals and organizations in the Philippines in response to the pandemic caused by COVID-19.
By Maria Clarissa "Rissa" A. Coronel
Mental Health
Analyzing Mental Health: Perception, Access and Delivery
MHPAD is a natiowide research project that aims to give a general overview of the current state of mental health in the country.
By John Gabriel B. Hernandez, Mikhaela Francesca Marietta "Mikka" A. Malonzo, Franczesco Roberto Legasto Piedad, Sophia C. Caranay-Narag, Maria Clarissa "Rissa" A. Coronel
Mental Health
The Kamalayan (Mindfulness) Project in the Philippines
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies, in cooperation with Ateneo Bulatao Center for Psychological Services, carried out the project entitled Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) as an Alternative Form of Mental Health Care for Filipino School Children.
By Maria Clarissa "Rissa" A. Coronel
Mental Health
Pre-service Education in Mental, Brain and Behavioural Health: Scaling Up Implementation and Dissemination Workshop
In recent years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been working to enhance undergraduate education for healthcare professionals, particularly doctors and nurses, in the domains of mental health, brain health, and substance use conditions. As part of the preliminary activities for the guide's release, stakeholders from around the world convened in Shanghai last March 13-14, 2024 for a strategic planning session aimed at implementation and dissemination. It is a collective aspiration to empower future generations of doctors and nurses with mental health competencies to bridge the gap in mental health provision through enhanced medical education. As a participant and presenter to these meetings, the ASMPH, represented by Dr. Angel Belle Dy, is eager to contribute to this transformative initiative and witness its profound impact on shaping the future of medical education and healthcare delivery in the Philippines and worldwide.
By Angel Belle Dy
Mental Health
ASMPH Center for Research and Innovation hosts the Rise and Thrive program team during a three-day GEDSI Workshop
From 10-12 July 2024, the ASMPH Center for Research and Innovation (ACRI) hosted the Rise and Thrive Philippine program team during its comprehensive gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) hybrid workshop and stakeholder consultation. Rise and Thrive: Building Resilient Communities through Inclusive Mental Health is a program of CBM Global Disability Inclusion in Fiji and the Philippines, supported by the Australian Government through Partnerships for a Healthy Region. The program aims to develop and document, by 2028, a model that results in the improved wellbeing of people with mental health conditions or psychosocial disability through improved community support, access to services, and systems that reinforce rights, equity, and inclusion.
By Kathrine Joyce R. Molit
Mental Health
Developmental profile of Filipino children born during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic: pilot study
During the COVID-19 pandemic's prolonged lockdown in the Philippines, a study examined child development in Cainta, Rizal. Despite challenges, children scored within the average range, with girls performing better, and maternal education and larger households positively influencing developmental outcomes.
By Michelle Edillon
Mental Health
Mental Health in the Philippines: Perception, Access, and Delivery (mhPAD) Map
Analyzing Mental Health in the Philippines: Perception, Access, and Delivery (mhPAD) is a research about how mental health is perceived by the general population and selected stakeholders, available mental health resources, how and when services are accessed and utilized, and the cost it takes to access and utilize the available mental health services. The information generated will contribute to the development and improvement of a rational and unified response to promote mental health and address mental health problems.
Mental Health
Policy Brief: Mental Health in Zamboanga del Norte
Zamboanga del Norte is a province in Mindanao which includes six municipalities that were randomly chosen to be part of the research sites of the mhPAD study. From the data collected, together with consultations with the provincial hospital’s lone psychiatrist, policy recommendations addressing gaps in the province’s mental health system are given, including: recognition of mental health as a public health priority through the development and strengthening of a provincial mental health program; strengthening of the operational management system in the provincial implementation of the mental health Medicine Access Program (MAP); and addressing and overcoming mental illness discrimination within communities.
By ACRI mhPAD Team