ACRI Library
Medical Education
Identifying the Learning Needs of Primary Care Physicians in Remote Rural Communities Using an Ethnographic Approach
The Philippines currently has a fragmented primary care system with weak preventive and promotive aspects.
By Sophia C. Caranay-Narag
Neuro-developmental Disorders
Autism Symptoms in Fragile X Syndrome
Based on the evidence presented in this review, individuals with FXS and comorbid ASD have more severe behavioral problems than individuals with FXS alone.
By Angel Belle Dy
Health Systems
Resilient and People-Centred Health Systems: Progress, Challenges and Future Directions in Asia
Despite varying nature of Asian countries and their health systems, this new comparative country study, published by APO, highlights future opportunities and threats that they all have in common.
By Elvira SN Dayrit
Call for Workshop Applicants: Utilizing mathematical modelling to aid governance in Universal Healthcare in the Philippines
The Ateneo School of Medicine & Public Health and Public Health England invite you to an online workshop entitled “Using mathematical modelling to aid governance in Universal Health Care in the Philippines.” Applications to participate in this workshop are now open until May 1, 2021. Early-career researchers and professionals are eligible to apply.
Environmental Health
ACRI bags honors at 2023 Healthy Pilipinas Awards
Pasay City, Philippines – 27 October 2023 – The ASMPH Center for Research and Innovation (ACRI) proudly announces its remarkable achievements at the 2023 Healthy Pilipinas Awards for Partners, hosted by the Philippines Department of Health (DOH) - Healthy Promotion Bureau (HPB) in collaboration with the Galing Pook Foundation. The awarding ceremony took place on October 27, 2023, at the PICC Reception Hall in Pasay City, with the aim of recognizing exceptional contributions by government and non-government institutions toward the promotion of healthier people, environments, and systems. ACRI's outstanding projects, aimed at advancing environmental health research and translating knowledge into actionable evidence for policy-making and action planning, have been honored in two key categories: Gold Award: Maging MaTAALino – Protecting the Health of People and Environment Against Arsenic in Drinking Water Sources in Batangas Province
By Bea Evaristo, Sary Valenzuela
Health Systems
A Post-marketing surveillance study of a combined diphtheria, tetanus, whole-cell pertussis, and hepatitis B vaccine in the Philippines
As part of a vaccination program which included about 30,000 children, 1,036 children were actively followed up to assess the reactogenicity of a combined DTPw-HB vaccine.
By Elvira SN Dayrit
Mental Health
Pre-service Education in Mental, Brain and Behavioural Health: Scaling Up Implementation and Dissemination Workshop
In recent years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been working to enhance undergraduate education for healthcare professionals, particularly doctors and nurses, in the domains of mental health, brain health, and substance use conditions. As part of the preliminary activities for the guide's release, stakeholders from around the world convened in Shanghai last March 13-14, 2024 for a strategic planning session aimed at implementation and dissemination. It is a collective aspiration to empower future generations of doctors and nurses with mental health competencies to bridge the gap in mental health provision through enhanced medical education. As a participant and presenter to these meetings, the ASMPH, represented by Dr. Angel Belle Dy, is eager to contribute to this transformative initiative and witness its profound impact on shaping the future of medical education and healthcare delivery in the Philippines and worldwide.
By Angel Belle Dy
Health Systems
A National Program for Control of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections: The Philippine Experience
Maturing programs on child immunization and diarrheal diseases, a community-based research project, and a rational drug-use program facilitated the launching in 1989.
By Elvira SN Dayrit
Special Topics
Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017
Since 2000, many countries have achieved considerable success in improving child survival, but localized progress remains unclear. To inform efforts towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.2—to end preventable child deaths by 2030—we need consistently estimated data at the subnational level regarding child mortality rates and trends. Here we quantified, for the period 2000–2017, the subnational variation in mortality rates and number of deaths of neonates, infants and children under 5 years of age within 99 low- and middle-income countries using a geostatistical survival model. We estimated that 32% of children under 5 in these countries lived in districts that had attained rates of 25 or fewer child deaths per 1,000 live births by 2017, and that 58% of child deaths between 2000 and 2017 in these countries could have been averted in the absence of geographical inequality. This study enables the identification of high-mortality clusters, patterns of progress and geographical inequalities to inform appropriate investments and implementations that will help to improve the health of all populations.
By Arianna Maever L Amit
Special Topics
COVID-19 Educational Materials for the Community Setting
A group of Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH) student volunteers, the ASMPH Public Health Student Council, and the Ateneo Center for Research and Innovation (ACRI) worked together produce these educational materials on COVID-19 for the community setting in the Philippines.