ACRI Library


  • Environmental Health

    Managing Our Urban Ecosystems for Survival

    An urban ecosystem is man-made. It is not natural in the way that mountains, forests and oceans are. Nonetheless, its four elements --land, air, waters and peoplemaintain a dynamic balance the poor management of which results in pollution, environmental deterioration and social problems.

    By Manuel M. Dayrit

  • Environmental Health

    Towards a Healthier Future for all Filipinos

    Supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and in partnership with the Philippine Inter-Agency Committee on Environmental Health (IACEH), the ASMPH Center for Research and Innovation (ACRI) has recently led the formulation and institutionalization of the National Environmental Health Action Plan 2030 or NEHAP 2030.

    By Mary Beatrice Evaristo

  • Environmental Health

    Policy Brief: Strengthening Regulation of PFAS in Food Packaging Perspectives from the Philippines

    Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl- substances (PFAS), a group of chemicals widely linked to a variety of health conditions, including cancer, immunotoxicity, cardiorespiratory diseases, endocrine toxicity, reproductive issues, and neurodevelopmental complications, has been found to be commonly used in food paper packaging products. Women, children, and factory workers are at higher risk to these negative health impacts due to inherent age and sex-related vulnerabilities and increased exposure. This scoping review investigates the existing policies and regulations for PFAS use in food paper packaging in the Philippines, as well as the gaps and challenges in mitigating risk exposure in vulnerable populations.

    By Sary Valenzuela, Michelle Alexandra Edillon, Ysobel Beatriz Luna, Martin Sebastian Tan, Geminn Louis Apostol