Dr. Jeremie De Guzman MD., MBA., MSc
Research Faculty, ASMPH
Research Interests
Medical Devices Design, Medical Device Regulations and Policy, Fit-for-Purpose Innovation, Technology for Developing Countries
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My research interests are in health technology. Specifically, I focus on medical devices. Its design, how regulations surrounding medical devices affect the design process, and how there is a need to look at policy to maximize the translation of relevant health technology to the market. Within medical devices what interests me are devices that are relevant to public health and positively contribute to the universal healthcare agenda particular to the Philippines and developing country contexts. Currently I am part of a team called the Bayan Biomedical Research Group within the university. We are an emerging transdisciplinary research group within Ateneo de Manila University whose vision is to design and develop medical devices and health products with a focus on the needs of the health system, especially in primary care. We are passionate and dedicated to democratizing and increasing accessibility of quality healthcare in the Philippines – in line with the goal of UHC – and believe that academic and scientific R&D can and should contribute to this effort particularly in underserved areas and populations.
Medical Device
Intelligent Sensors and Monitoring System for Low-cost Phototherapy Light for Jaundice Treatment
A prototype of a low-cost phototherapy light system (LPLS) was deployed by the Ateneo Innovation Center (AIC) at a public hospital in Metro Manila, Philippines.
Medical Device
Intelligent Sensors and Monitoring System for Low-cost Phototherapy Light for Jaundice Treatment
A prototype of a low-cost phototherapy light system (LPLS) was deployed by the Ateneo Innovation Center (AIC) at a public hospital in Metro Manila, Philippines.