ACRI Library


  • Mental Health

    Mental Health in the Philippines: Perception, Access, and Delivery (mhPAD) Map

    Analyzing Mental Health in the Philippines: Perception, Access, and Delivery (mhPAD) is a research about how mental health is perceived by the general population and selected stakeholders, available mental health resources, how and when services are accessed and utilized, and the cost it takes to access and utilize the available mental health services. The information generated will contribute to the development and improvement of a rational and unified response to promote mental health and address mental health problems.


  • Mental Health

    Mental Health Act Explainer

    According to the World Health Organization, more than 400 million people around the world have a mental health issue that causes a significant impact on their lives. In the Philippines, we already have high rates of depression even before the COVID-19 pandemic. This is why the passing of the Mental Health Act in 2018 was a huge step in addressing mental health concerns. This explainer shares important points that you need to know about the Mental Health Act.

    By ACRI mhPAD Team, CBM Philippines, FYT Philippines

  • Mental Health

    Developmental profile of Filipino children born during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic: pilot study

    During the COVID-19 pandemic's prolonged lockdown in the Philippines, a study examined child development in Cainta, Rizal. Despite challenges, children scored within the average range, with girls performing better, and maternal education and larger households positively influencing developmental outcomes.

    By Michelle Edillon