Mental Health Science Academe and Research Task Force Consensus Statements and Recommendations
Infographic of the MHSAR Task Force's consensus statements and recommendations to the PCMH. A printable version of the material is also available here.
This infographic presents a summary of the propositions and recommendations of the Mental Health Science Academe and Research (MHSAR) Task Force to the Philippine Council for Mental Health (PCMH) in order to mainstream mental health in the educational system particularly higher educational institutions (HEIs).
One of the provisions of Republic Act 11036, or The Mental Health Act of the Philippines, is on Education, Promotion of Mental Health in Educational Institutions and in the Workplace. Thus, the Academe and Research Sector Representative to the PCMH convened the MHSAR Task Force.
From academe and research sectors, the Task Force comprises of:
CHAIR: Leonor I. Cabral-Lim, MD, FPNA, FAAN
Academe and Research Sector Representative, Philippine Council for Mental Health Department of Neurosciences, Philippine General Hospital
VICE-CHAIR: Dinah P. Nadera, MD, Msc in Epidemiology, Master of International Mental Health
Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
1. Association of Philippine Medical Colleges
Dr. Norbert Lingling Uy: nduy@uerm.edu.ph, drlinglinguy@yahoo.com
Dean, College of Medicine, UERMMMC
Dr Norietta Balderrama: noriebalderrama@yahoo.com
Chair, Department of Psychiatry Head, Program on Mental Health Promotion UERMMMC
Dr. Maria Paz- Garcia: msgarcia@uerm.edu.ph
Chair, Department of Pharmacology Head, Mentoring Program UERMMMC
2. Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH)
Lourdes Sumpaico-Tanchanco, MD: ltanchanco@ateneo.edu
Associate Professor
Director, Center for Research and Innovation
Aileen B. Pascual, MD, FPAFP: abpascual@ateneo.edu
Assistant Professor Director, Office of Student Affairs
3. National Union of Students of the Philippines
Ms. Jinn Dinn Orlanda: orlandajinndinn@gmail.com
Ms. Blaise Therese Bellosillo: bfbellosillo@up.edu.ph
4. Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities
Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez: carolinemarian2@gmail.com
President, PACU
5. Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges
Dr. Tirso Ronquillo : pasucoffice@gmail.com
President, PASUC
6. Philippine Guidance and Counselling Association Inc.
Adelaida C. Gines PhD,RGC,RPsy: agines13@gmail.com
Fr. Arsenio A. Lumiqued, Jr., MSC, PhD, RG: alumiqued@gmail.com
National Auditor
7. Philippine Neurological Association
Rosalina E. Picar, MD, FPNA: repicarmd@yahoo.com
Jose Paciano T. Reyes, MD, FPNA: reyes_jp90@yahoo.com
8. Philippine Psychiatric Association
Dr. Georgina Gozo-Oliver: doc_gigi2005@yahoo.com
Child, Adolescent, & Adult Psychiatrist
Chair, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Angeles University Foundation School of Medicine
Asst. Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Veterans Memorial Medical Center
Dr. Rodelen Paccial: rcpaccial@yahoo.com
Chairman and Training Officer, Department of Psychiatry Mariveles Mental Wellness and General Hospital
9. Psychological Association of the Philippines
Dr. Cely Magpantay, PhD, RPsy, RPm: celydomingomagpantay@gmail.com
Treasurer, PAP
Dr. Clarissa Delariarte: claidelariarte@yahoo.com
10. University of the Philippines System
Office of the Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard Philip A. Gonzalo, Msc., CPA: ragonzalo@up.edu.ph
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
HOST/SECRETARIAT: ASMPH Center for Research and Innovation
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